An ancient art rediscovered
The Points Holding Process™ is thought to be an ancient art rediscovered that facilitates healing and consciousness. P.H.P. practitioners hold pressure points on the body for extended periods of time in a way that allows these buried emotions to become awakened. Many report, “finding the inner joy of re-connecting with their inner self” and “seeing […]

Techniques that release trapped emotions
Catalina Ureta was born in Chile in the shadow of the magical Andes mountains. After years of spiritual study in Chile, she courageously moved to the United States in 1975 to continue her spiritual and healing work. A certified Kinesiologist and Cranial Sacral worker, Catalina has trained in multiple healing modalities including, the “Energetic Clearing […]

Points Holding Process
What is the Points Holding Process (PHP)? Events happen in life that may seem trivial to others but are traumatic to us. They take us out of our natural way of being and leave behind a host of unexpressed emotions and sensations that are too overwhelming to feel. These unprocessed emotions then become locked in […]
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